A Place to Log Daily Gratitudes

Friday, February 29, 2008


  1. It isn't raining & the sun just may come out.
  2. I am less cranky than yesterday (however it is still early for that one to surface much).
  3. Everyone woke up earlier, which means bedtime earlier tonight!
  4. I am learning much from "A New Earth", despite my ego trying not to.
  5. My mind, body & spirit feel pretty good today.
  6. We are home ALL day, no gymnastics!
  7. IT IS FRIDAY, need I say more on that one?
  8. I feel inspiration welling up inside me again (after a long, cranky, depressed week).
  9. We have food in the house.
  10. I am able to do this list without anyone yelling, fighting or hanging on me.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


  1. How he helps with housework & cooking

  2. His commitment & loyalty

  3. His sensitivity

  4. His intellegence

  5. His questions, answers & analizing help when I need it (a lot of the time!)

  6. How much he puts up with me!

  7. How hard he works

  8. How he plays with & loves his children

  9. Our long talks (a few a day!)

  10. His encouragement & support