My Gratitude List

A Place to Log Daily Gratitudes

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Today I am Grateful for...

  1. waking up & getting up early.
  2. time for myself this morning.
  3. feeling good, centered & self-directed.
  4. coffee w/ creamer.
  5. Mark taking Morgan to his meet, even though I wanted to go but couldn't.
  6. a clean (for the most part) and (mostly) warm house.
  7. my ability to make money or start my own business.
  8. my Yahoo! email, Facebook and Blogger.
  9. a quiet house
  10. blessings from friends & family AND strangers that seem to just ~happen~.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


  1. Summer
  2. Almost commitment free today (only have to clean the boys gym tonight!)
  3. Blogging
  4. Payday was Friday
  5. Kids aren't fighting too much today
  6. Everyone is healthy
  7. Feeling pretty good
  8. Our pool, even though I still can't rid it of the water mold
  9. Ceiling fans
  10. An inkling of motivation, hehe

Monday, June 16, 2008

10 Days Later...

  1. Sunshine!!!- It is back finally!

  2. Summer schedules in place- gymnastics, day camp (yes, only one camp, and only for 3 days), cleaning, etc.

  3. My Garden- The tomatos are in the ground at least!

  4. Free evenings- to catch up on the house, yard and projects (oh, and the LAUNDRY, although I am begining to think that there is nothing more certain in life than death, taxes, and piles of laundry to put away!).

  5. Did I mention SUN & WARMTH?

  6. Paid bills- That is, nothing to be shut off in the next two weeks, hehe.

  7. Backyard Pool- Give me two more weeks on that one and it will be on my holy Cr@p! list(no, I don't actually have one).

  8. My drive/ambition/motivation to get things done.

  9. How independent our family of 6 is- we don't count on anyone but ourselves & our little family in the day to day/weekly/monthly/holidays/trips/etc. Been there, done that, been disappointed. We are pretty sure of ourselves on our own now, thank goodness!

  10. Extended family- But at a distance (figuratively & literally).

Friday, June 6, 2008

Today's Easy Day

  1. Cereal- cuz I don't have to make it.
  2. Media- cuz I am tired and it give the kids something to do and I can sit at the computer and feel like I am accomplishing something!
  3. Coffee- yes, I fell off the wagon, in a big way, and am really ready for the caffeine IV right now.
  4. Blinds/Curtains- to hide the inside of my house, it is messy at this moment.
  5. Money- cuz sometimes fast food is the only thing you can muster up, and without money, well, it's peanut butter & crackers again! (Subway rules!).
  6. Breathing- cuz I feel like I am doing something at least!
  7. Clean laundry piles- cuz I know I can just grab something and throw it on, and it's clean!
  8. Mark's schedule- cuz he can come home early at times and then HE can cook, hehe.
  9. Afternoon Caffeine- the quicker picker upper.
  10. And of course- IT'S FRIDAY!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Our Yard

  1. The kids sandbox- they can play for 3+ hours in it.
  2. Planting things around the yard- Adding to the landscape.
  3. Our veggie boxes- teaching the kids about growing our own food, how it tastes, and how rewarding it is, also how relaxing it is for me to pull weeds (and trying not to swear at the cats because they *won't* stop using them as a litter box!!! ICK!).
  4. The trees around the yard- the evergreens, fruit & nut trees, and the flowering and non-flowering shade trees.
  5. How big our yard is- .37th of an acre...biggest yard we have ever had the pleasure (and non-pleasure at times) of caring for.
  6. The fence around the yard- so our kids & cats are safe and more secure.
  7. Green grass (even if it has weeds!)- because we have had rocks as back yards before, and sometimes NO backyards.
  8. A covered patio- to protect us from the rain and too much sun in the hot summer, and a nice place for us to eat, the kids to play and the cats to hang.
  9. A covered carport- all of the above AND a place to store our bikes, freezer and get out of the car dry!
  10. Our above-ground pool- the pain it is to keep the darn thing up, but the joy the kids get in the summer is worth it (most of the time).

Thursday, May 1, 2008


  1. Getting to the Park to be with other Moms & Kids
  2. Mothers varying wisdoms to share
  3. Brandy's bathroom!
  4. My boys...and how caring they actually are
  5. Mark for talking and talking and talking, even when we are uncomfortable
  6. Sam for telling me the truth when I needed to hear it
  7. For having some $ in the bank (even if VERY little)
  8. Wendy's $1 menu
  10. Keeping my cool under stress several times today

Friday, April 4, 2008


  1. Friday
  2. Pay Day
  3. Our first relaxed "work around the house" weekend in a long time.
  4. It's Spring!
  5. Getting my house clean & organized one room a day! (been living in CHAOS for a while)
  6. Health
  7. Dinner at home, and healthy!
  8. Feel good
  9. Mark
  10. Kids